3500 - Bottles Shot / 213 Brands

Experience - Check!


Halter Ranch, Saxum, Villa Creek, Clos Solene, Booker, Ancient Peaks, Thomas Fogarty, Brecon Estates, GoGi


Paso Robles to San Luis Obispo

Saxum | Halter Ranch | Midnight | Robert Hall | Don Brady | Clavo Cellars | Harmony | LXV | River Star | Record Family | Per Cazo | Hearst Ranch | Cuatro Dias | Two Moons | Adam LaZarre | Anonimo | Donati | Deno | Villicana | Hammersky | Jack Creek | Denner | Kaleidos | Pomar Junction | PasoPort | Last Light | Giornata | Broadside | Ancient Peaks | Brochelle | Windward | Turtle Rock | Westberg | Brecon | Bianchi | LawEstate |  Villa San-Juliette | Villa Creek | Hope Family - Treana | Brophy Clark | Sierra Christensen Design | Caliza | Stephen Ross | Aaron Wines | Roxo | OnYourLeft | Lions Peak | VineMark | Kinero | Cutruzzola | Levo | Domaine Degher | Cal Poly | Clos Solene | Vino Vargas | Shadow Run | Leverage | Diablo Paso | Dubost | Ascension | Carucci | Jada | Vigo | Spear | Castoro | Rava | Solana | Culton | Cobble Creek | One Stone | Downstream | Copia | Frisby | Nicora | Calcareous | Coastal Range | Clesi | Christopher Taranto - Paso Robles Wine Country Alliance | Ranchero Cellars 


Oregon, Washington, Colorado, Idaho, Vermont, New York 

Ledger David | Reverend Nats Cider | Cascadia Cider | Deerhammer, CO | Drunken Sailor, ID | Vermont Spirits | Helderberg Meadworks NY   

Sonoma, Napa, Santa Cruz and Monterey County 

Wrath | Sostener | Thomas Fogarty | Lexington | Skyline | Double Bond | Entropy | Michael David | Capay Valley | Baldassari | Dreyer Sonoma | Signorello | Heibel Ranch | Baker Lane | Pug | Foppiano | Von Holt | McBride Sisters | INIZI | Fortino | San Joaquin | Rack & Road | Dry Canyon | Moody Press

Santa Maria, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, San Diego 

AlmaSol  | Ampelos | GoGi | Jamie Slone | Kita | Westerly | Miller Family /Thornhill | Miroballi | Sweetzer | Margerum | Falcone | Bedarra | Alma Rosa | Spear | Rancho Boa Vista | Malibu


 Wine Hooligan's Goyette | 3 Ball | Stephen Vincent | Cycles Gladiator | Stateland | Sea Monster | Ray's Creek | Broadside | Piledriver | Auburn James | Brick Hill | Portlandia | Zinchronicity | Huntington

Guarachi Wine Partners Brun | La Domitienne | Surf Swim | Tensley | Lea | Nobilissima | Fleur 

| Black Ink | King | Tenshen | Santa Ema | G | Bacon | Guarachi Family

Terravant Group | Compilation | Paranoia | Insomnia | Scratch Pad

Dreyer Sonoma | Dreyer Sonoma | Seabiscuit Ranch | Compass | Il Cuore | Solitude | Bancroft

Scenic Root, Jonathan Pey | Textbook | The Forager | Spice Rack | Marin Water

Miller Family/Thornhill / Turn Key | Ballard Lane | J. Wilkes | Magnolia Court | Olelo | SmashBerry | Barrel Burner | Paso Highland's | R. Bryce | Dirt Deva | Bien Nacido | Simple Truth

Castoro Cellars | Carson Ridge | Raywood | Liquid Popsicle | Cobble Creek | Paso Dragon | Double Black


Craft Brewing, Spirits, Ciders, Soda, Tea, EVOO's, Sauces Etcetera

Craft Brew | BarrelHouse Brewing | Heretic Brewing | Rough Draft | oL' Republic | Bear Republic | Reverend Nats Hard Cider | Yerba Mate and Sunshine Soda by Einhorn Brewing | Helderberg Meadworks NY | Cascadia Cider

Distilled Spirits | Re:Find | WineShine | Tin City | Kindred Spirits | Pendray's | Drunken Sailor, ID | Blinking Owl | Calwise |  Vermont Spirits | Deerhammer | Bethel Rd.

Tea, Spice & Sauce | Bren's Original Spices | Danny "Machete" Trejo's Taco Sauce | Chai Diaries

EVOO's | Olivas de Oro | Bava Grove | Hearst Ranch | Topa Mt Ranch | Signorello Island Kea | Solana




"I Think your photography is superb" 

"Approved !!!! You Rock!"   

Sarah / Jada


"They are perfect. Thank you!!! "  

Sierra / Saxum Vineyards


"They all look Terrific"   

Guillaume / Clos Solene


"Wonderful Pix, David" 

Jonathan Pey / Textbook, Forager - Scenic Root


"Man you are quick! Looks good. Thank you."

Chris / BarrelHouse


"These are Awesome!"  Chris / Rough Draft


"Oh my gosh, it looks great!  Thank you so much!"  Jeff / Rough Draft


"These bottle shots Look Dope!"  Adam Miroballi / Winemaker Westerly


"You are the best"  Adam LaZarre / LaZarre Wines and Wine Hooligans


"David- thank you so much for your timely and creative bottle shots.

Your professionalism, personality and creativity epitomizes your slogan;

"these bottle shots are anything BUT standard." They are way beyond the standard. Thank you!

Morgan / Clos Solene


"Your shots are awesome and your turnaround time is great"

Cobie / Ampelos


"David, They Are Beautiful"

Margo / Hearst Ranch Winery


"Thanks David. These are great! Thanks for getting them done so quickly"

Noemi / Miller Family / Thornhill-Turnkey


"Thanks for being so smooth to work with!  I like that!!"

Joanie / 3 Finger & Drunken Sailor of Ketchum 


David, Really excellent work! You did a great job with that tough VSJ label. 

You will be getting more business from us in the near future.” - Best wishes

Casey - Sales Manager / Villa San-Juliette 


These look awesome, David!  Thank you!“  - Ryan / HammerSky


"They look great, I’m very pleased. Thanks for doing great work!

Aaron Jackson - Owner Winemaker / Aaron Wines


"David ... A big thank you for your quality  photography!

We appreciate the help and quick turn around service"

Matt - Creative Director / Terravant Group



Ami - CEO / Chai Diaries


"Wonderful!  Love it!"

Jennifer - Owner Winemaker Sommelier / Lions Peak


"These look fantastic!  I approve all of them and DropBox would be great. Thank you!"

Sarah / Stephen Ross Cellars


"Hi David, They Look Great!!! Thank you so much"

Ashleigh / Hearst Ranch Winery


"They are Perfect! Thank you"  

Monica Villicana / Re:Find Distillery


"Honestly David, they look great, Fantastic work" 

Douglas Martin / Sunshine Soda and Einhorn Brewing


"They look Fantastic!  Thanks David"

Chris / BarrelHouse Brewing


"Wow! So awesome ... Looks great I am sending you new bottles soon"

Jamie / Jamie Slone Wines 


"Thank you!  They look amazing!!!!!"

Sarah Miroballi / Miroballi Wines


"David ... the photo's all look wonderful" 

Leslee / Rava Wines


"David ... these look great!  Thank you for doing great work" 

"You are arguably the best in the country"  

Peter Voelker / Helderberg Meadworks New York

